Grievances Redressal Cell


In pursuance of the suggestion of UGC, New Delhi, Egra Sarada Shashi Bhusan College has set up a Grievances Redressal Cell as per resolution of the Governing Body meeting dated 20/09/2019. It is a mechanism for redressal of grievances of students, faculties, non-teaching staff and other stake holders of the College. The primary purpose of formation of the cell is to mitigate all sorts of grievances / complaints lodged to the cell as well as to the College authority. The Cell is also empowered to look into matters of harassment also. Anybody with a genuine grievance can approach to the cell with a written application for its speedy solution. If anybody is unwilling to appear in person to the cell or the college authority, he / she can drop the complaints / grievances in writing at Drop Box / Suggestion Box kept in the administration building of the college. Grievances may also be sent to the convenor of the cell through email.


  1. To address all sorts of grievances within the campus in proper spirit and with adequate gravity.
  2. To maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
  3. To uphold the dignity of the College by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the college.
  4. To encourage the students to express their grievances freely and frankly.
  5. To promote cordial student-student and student-teacher relationship in the college campus.

Constitution of the Body

As per decision of the meeting of the GOVERNING BODY of the college dated 29.09.2021 the Grievances Redressal Cell of the college which was formed earlier as per Governing Body meeting dated 20.09.2019 is revised and formed with the following members:

Members of the Cell :

Name of the Members
Designation / Status
Dr. Dipak Kuamr Tamili
Principal and Chairperson
Dr. Aloy Chand Biswas
Prof. Prasenjit Murmu
Dr. Shilpishree Giri
Mr. Asoke Sahoo
General Secretary (Student’s Union)

Useful Information :

Contact No.
Mail ID
Dr. Dipak Kumar Tamili
Dr. Aloy Chand Biswas

Online complaints can be lodged to the following mail ID:

Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee 2023-2024
Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee
Action Taken Report