Facilities Available

Summary of Research Facilities at the Coastal Environmental Studies Research Centre, Egra SSB College

The Coastal Environmental Studies Research Centre at Egra SSB College boasts a well-equipped infrastructure for research in the field of coastal ecology and related disciplines. The centre comprises several dedicated research laboratories catering to specific areas of study, complemented by a central research laboratory providing shared resources and technical support.

Funding and Infrastructure:

The centre has received significant funding from prestigious agencies like SERB, DST FIST, STAR COLLEGE, WB DST FIST, and RUSA, enabling investment in advanced equipment and technology.

Key Instruments:

The research labs are equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, including:

  • Fluorescent Microscope (BX 63)
  • Phase Contrast Microscopes (Dewinter ultima)
  • HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography)
  • Microtome (Leica RM 2235 Histocut)
  • Rota Vapor
  • Ultralow Freezer
  • UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Benefits for Researchers:

The diverse range of labs and advanced equipment cater to various research needs within coastal environmental studies, facilitating diverse research projects. The central research laboratory serves as a hub for shared resources and technical support, fostering collaboration and resource sharing among researchers. The strong funding history demonstrates the centre's commitment to ongoing research development and infrastructure upgrades. Overall, the Coastal Environmental Studies Research Centre at Egra SSB College provides a well-equipped and supportive environment for researchers to conduct high-quality research in the field of coastal ecology