Our Faculties Details

Prof. Tanmay Kr Sing

Department: Sanskrit

Designation: Assistant Professor & HOD

Address: Address not found

Email: tanmaykrsing@gmail.com

Date of Joining: 20/02/2017

Qualification: M.A, SET-2013, NET-Dec2015(with JRF),.

Administrative/Other Experiences : Convenor of Admission Sub-committee twice



Mr. Tanmay Kr Sing is presently working as an Assistant Professor of Sanskrit at Egra S. S. B. College affiliated to Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, India since 20.02.2017. Mr. Sing has completed his Master’s Degree in Sanskrit with a specialization in Indian Philosophy from Vidyasagar University. He has published research articles in journals and books of repute and has presented numerous papers in different International, National and State level Seminars. Currently, He is pursuing his PhD.

Research interest and publication



  1. https://ijsra.net/content/abhava-and-its-testimony-analysis-special-viewpoint-mimansa-and-vaisheshika-school


Sl. No. Title of the paper presented Tile of Conference/ Seminar Organised by Whether international/ national/ state/ regional/college Or university level
01 Rabindrakavye Kalidaser Meghdut: Ekti Prayalochana Rabindranath: Literature and Politics Dept. of Political Science, Egra SSB College International Seminar
02 Paryalohanaya Srimadbhagavad Gita o Gunatraya Bhivagyoga Bhagavad Gita: Its Context and Concerns 12.09.2019 Dept. of Sanskrit, Kharagpur College Nationa
03 The Exploration of the Relatively Firm Testimony of Negation in the Special Standpoint of Vaiseshika School: A Critical Review Padarthatattvamimamsa 28 & 29.03.2018 Dept. of Sanskrit, Vidyasagar University National


  1. Shabdika (ISBN-978-81-937142-4-8) Published by B.N. Publication Year: 2018 Role: Co-Editor
  2. Shabdika (IISBN  978-81-943532-1-8) Published by B.N. Publication Year: 2020 Role: Co-Editor

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